Triple P
Aster Family Support runs small group sessions of Triple P courses bringing families together to learn and develop new ideas. We also provide one-to-one support to families wanting to develop knowledge and skills of the Triple P programme in their home – usually with families who can’t make it to the group sessions. Triple P is a parenting program, but it doesn’t tell people how to be parents. It’s more like a toolbox of ideas. Families choose the strategies they need and how they want to use them. The three Ps in ‘Triple P’ stand for ‘Positive Parenting Program’ which means family life is going to be much more enjoyable. Triple P helps families to:
  • Raise happy, confident kids
  • Manage misbehavior so everyone in the family enjoys life more
  • Set rules and routines that everyone respects and follows
  • Encourage behavior that’s positive for everyone
  • Take care of yourself as a parent
  • Feel confident you’re doing the right thing
The Triple P programme was developed over 30 years ago by Professor Sanders and colleagues from the Parenting and Family Support Centre at the University of Queensland, Australia in response to seeing how many families were raising their children without the information, ideas and strategies they needed. Triple P is the most extensively researched parenting program in the world. Clinical trials and evaluations over decades have shown that Triple P works for most families, in many different cultures, and in many different family situations. Triple P Logo
Group Triple P Sessions As well as one-to-one home-based support we also run small group Triple P sessions focusing on 4 different topics:
  1. Developing good bedtime routines: the goal is for children to develop healthy, independent sleep patterns
  2. Hassle-free shopping with children: this discussion group and workbook give some positive parenting suggestions to help you avoid shopping hassles, to teach your child to behave responsibly on shopping trips, and to make it easier on you as a parent.
  3. Dealing with disobedience: This discussion group and workbook give some positive parenting suggestions to help you teach your child to accept limits, do as they are told, and to understand the meaning of the word No.
  4. Managing fighting and aggression: this discussion group and workbook give some suggestions to help you teach your child to solve problems and get along with others.

To refer a family directly to the Triple P programme please download and complete our Referral Form here

Please note: Aster Family Support has now moved to its new home in the Northside Enterprise Centre, Bunratty Drive, Coolock. All downloadable forms have been amended, please ensure you have the up-to-date versions. Thank you.